1. What do you think are the author's most important points?
"Start with the end in mind" It is a lot like going on a trip. If you don't know where you are going before you get in the car with will end up driving in circles or getting lost.
"Know your audience as well as possible" You can't successfully give a presentation written for PhDs to a group of middle schoolers.
"Keep it simple" Your audience is never going to remember everything. Coming up with a main question and three main points will help you figure out what to emphasize.
2. How might you apply his advise to your own presentation?
Knowing the audience is easy. They are my peers and we have been learning about design together, so we all know roughly the same amount. The main question is whether or not our product is designed well. Our three main points will most likely reflect Norman's three types of design, Visceral, Behavioral, and Reflective. Our end goal is to prove that we know what we are talking about and are able to communicate it.
3. What do you think presentation preparation has in common with product design?
Visceral design certainly factors into a presentation. Handouts and Powerpoints should be pleasing to look at. Presenters should also dress well. Like a good design, enough information should be given to the audience that they don't need to do research to understand it. It should also be well organized. A presenter is basically selling his idea, it needs to be appealing to the audience.
4. Briefly discuss the areas of design you would be most interested in exploring.
I would like to explore how designers test their products on real people and how they collect and interpret the information. I would also like to learn more about how advertisements are designed.
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